Binary Fortress ClipboardFusion Pro v5 Download Free Torrent

Binary Fortress ClipboardFusion Pro v5

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Binary Fortress ClipboardFusion Pro

Reload the clipboard

ClipboardFusion makes text formatting easy from the clipboard, change the clipboard, or execute powerful macros in the clipboard content! You can also sync your clipboard to other computers and mobile devices.

removing clipboard formatting

ClipboardFusion removes text that is copied to the clipboard, so it can be placed in different applications without formatting. Automaticit can do or use custom HotKey.

Clipboard ReplaceText

ClipboardFusionPre-replace clipboard text with several lines. You may want to replace all the characters “” in your HTML equivalent – yours!

Keyboard shortcuts

Quick access to ClipboardFusion by customizing custom keyboard shortcuts, which you can press anytime. ClipboardFusion is always at your disposal!

using powerful macros

Createof your own macros using C # in the integrated editor to perform fully customizable changes to your text. The power of macros is limited only by your imagination. Also do not forget Check out pre-made macros created by other members of the ClipboardFusion community.


Customize the way you use your clipboard by customizing different actions to do almost everythingyou can imagine – with flash of eyes!


Create a binary fortress account and synchronize the clipboard text to other computers or devices or store them for reuse later. Sync with Android, Apple iOS, Windows 10 Universal and more. Share your clipboardAll of your devices have never been so easy!

exchange manager

ClipboardManager is the main focus of ClipboardFusion. You can check outclipboard history, pinned items, online items and customizable macros. Edit, record, sync, search, reorder and use your items from one window!

salvation is all

All you send or receive using the clipboard synchronization feature is encrypted using 256-bit encryption.

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